Frequently Asked Questions


How can I assign a delegate for my unit?

Instructions how to do this are included in the People, Delegates and Roster Members User Guide. You can download a copy by searching Penn State's Knowledge Portal using the search word, "lionsafe".

How can I upload a picture?

STEP-1: Click the Plus icon under the Upload Attachments or Photos area of the screen (Upload Attachment or Photo) 

RESULT: You are presented with an Open dialogue box to navigate to your file 

STEP-2: Select your Attachment or Photo

STEP-3: Click Save

RESULT: Your file is added (without a name)

How do I submit a question about LionSafe?

What is a delegate?

If a User is a Delegate for another listed User in Salute, they will receive similar notifications that the listed User receives. For example, if the listed User is assigned a Finding in Salute, both the listed User AND the Delegate will receive notification of the assignment.

What is a PI?

PI = Primary or Principal Investigator

What is LionSafe, powered by Salute®?

LionSafe powered by Salute® is a new digital platform Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) is using to manage Incidents, Assessments, Inspections, Equipment, and Chemical Safety Inventories. The Salute platform will serve as a tool to help EHS with their responsibilities for the development and implementation of environmental, occupational health, and safety programs in partnership with the Penn State community. Additional LionSafe modules including Employee Accidents, Permits, Violations, Waste Management and Space Risk Assessments to name a few, will be introduced throughout the coming year.

Where can I find terminology definitions?

You can download a copy by searching Penn State's Knowledge Portal. The name of the article is LionSafe Terminology.

Where should I go if I need special accommodation?

Penn State is committed to accessibility for employees with disabilities. To request a reasonable accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) contact or call 814-863-0471.

Why am I seeing numbers beside other options on my dashboard?

There are other functions/modules within LionSafe. To learn more about each module, visit LionSafe Resources and LionSafe Training.

Why are we using LionSafe?

Why LionSafe—Platform that will leverage a single or integrated (seamless) software system within the University to efficiently and effectively manage EHS data/information.  Migrating the Penn State community to one platform will simplify all Penn Stater’s management of various EHS program requirements.

Assessments Module

How do I access the LionSafe Assessments Module?

What is a finding?

When something on an assessment is found not to match expected conformance, a finding may be issued. Typically, a finding will require a corrective action to be taken within a specific timeframe to remedy the non-conformance.

What is a self-audit?

A self-audit is a self-led assessment that can be followed to complete pre-use inspections on a piece of equipment, e.g., I only use this aerial lift a few times a month but I have to inspect it before I use it.

What is an EHS-led Assessment?

An EHS-led assessment is conducted by EHS personnel, typically a regional coordinator. They will follow a pre-defined list of inspection questions to complete this audit.

What is an inspection?

At this time, an inspection is led by someone within the EHS department of PSU. They will be walking through a pre-defined assessment to review the ready state of a piece of equipment or campus lab, for example.

What should I do if I am contacted about a finding?

Always do your best to respond to and provide requested information to the requestor for any finding follow-up. There are metrics to help measure and review time to finding resolution, for example.

Where can I find the User Manual for the LionSafe Assessments Module?

You can download a copy from the Penn State Knowledge Portal. The name of the document is LionSafe Assessment and Findings User Guide.

Where can I find training for LionSafe Assessments Module?

Chemical Safety Module

Am I required to use LionSafe-generated labels?

LionSafe-generated labels do not meet regulatory requirements for labeling chemicals. They do not replace mandatory chemical labels. LionSafe-generated labels are an optional feature that can be used to directly access specific items in your inventory by scanning a QR code.

How do I access the LionSafe Chemical Safety & Inventory Module?

How do I learn to use LionSafe Chemical Safety & Inventory Module?

Instructional videos can be accessed from LionSafe Training. You can download a copy of the LionSafe Chemical Safety User Guide by searching Penn State's Knowledge Portal.

I am an inventory owner. How do I add others as delegate who can manage the inventory on my behalf?

After logging in to LionSafe, click on your name located in the lower left-hand corner, click Settings, then click the + Safety Coordinator link. A detailed how-to video can be found at the following Kaltura link.

I don’t have access to an inventory and I think I should. Who should I contact?

Please contact the owner of the inventory and request that they add you as a delegate.

I need to overhaul my entire inventory. Can I request a bulk change request template?

If you have less than 100 chemical items to add, remove, or modify, you will need to do so manually within the LionSafe system. If you have more than 100 chemical items, you may download and complete this Excel template then email it to Be sure to include your Group name in the email. Please note that bulk modifications can take up to 4-6 weeks to process.

What happened to my data that was in the previous CHIMS system?

On 10-Jan-2023, all CHIMS data was made available for review/use in LionSafe.

What should I do if the previous inventory owner has left the university?

Email and include the inventory name, the previous owner, and the name and Penn State email address of the person who is now responsible for the inventory.

Who should I contact to have a new inventory created in LionSafe?

Email to request a new inventory be created. If you are already owner of an inventory, please include this information in your message.

Equipment Module

How do I access the LionSafe Equipment Module?

Access to limited EHS and other personnel will be provided as needed.

Where can I find the User Manual for the LionSafe Equipment Module?

Access is currently limited to EHS personnel.

Where can I find training for LionSafe Equipment Module?

This will be limited to EHS equipment owners to start and will be tracked on LRN.

Incidents Module

Am I required to use LionSafe for reporting?

Use LionSafe to report the following:
Incident—an unexpected event that does not lead to injury or illness but results in or could have reasonably resulted in a spill/release, equipment/property damage, environmental impact, or other loss.

Near Miss—describes incidents where no property was damaged and no personal injury sustained, but where, given a slight shift in time or position, damage and/or injury easily could have occurred.

Do NOT use LionSafe to report the following:
Injury / Illness—Do not report in the Community Portal. Follow Penn State Safety Policy SY04 Employee Accidents – Reporting and Investigation.

Are there specific types of incidents that should NOT be reported in LionSafe?

Injury / Illness—Do not report in the Community Portal. Follow Penn State Safety Policy SY04 Employee Accidents – Reporting and Investigation.

Can I add external files (such as a photograph) to an event report?

Yes, here are the steps:

STEP-1: Click the Plus icon under the Upload Attachments or Photos area of the screen (Upload Attachment or Photo) 

RESULT: You are presented with an Open dialogue box to navigate to your file 

STEP-2: Select your Attachment or Photo

STEP-3: Click Save

RESULT: Your file is added (without a name)

How do I access LionSafe Incidents Module?

How do I indicate the location of an event?

Building—a required field, that auto populates when the user types in either the building number or the name of the building. For incident locations not included in LionSpace FIS, choose “NOT LISTED” for the representative campus or location. A snip of Google Maps identifying the exact location of the incident can be added to the incident report as an attachment.

Floor, Space/Room—are optional fields to provide more location specific details. Choose room first, then the floor will automatically populate. Format is “floor-room”. The floor numbers may not be obvious (e.g., 1st, 2nd, 3rd)

Location Details—an optional field that the User can list any other location details such as department name etc.

How do you add details to an incident?

The "Event Issue" free text field under the "Event" section is where you enter the event/incident details. If you need more space than this, you are able to upload attachments as needed.

How is an incident defined?

Incident—an unexpected event that does not lead to injury or illness but results in or could have reasonably resulted in a spill/release, equipment/property damage, environmental impact, or other loss.

How/When do I add floor and room number to an incident?

LionSafe is integrated with LionSpace FIS. The dropdown choices for "Building*", "Floor" and "Space / Room" come from that integration, so ONLY those choices are available. * indicates a REQUIRED field.

NOTE: Not all buildings will have a floor and space/room, which is why they are not required fields. You are able to add Location Details as needed. If the incident occurred outside, please select the "Other - ..." value for that campus and provide as much additional detail in the Location Details field.

Is there a decision tree for considering how to decide the difference between an “incident” or a “near-miss”?

Incident—an unexpected event that does not lead to injury or illness but results in or could have reasonably resulted in a spill/release, equipment/property damage, environmental impact, or other loss.

Near Miss—describes incidents where no property was damaged and no personal injury sustained, but where, given a slight shift in time or position, damage and/or injury easily could have occurred.

What happens to the information after it has been submitted in LionSafe?

Once a report has been submitted using LionSafe, an Incident Intake Team will review the information and follow up with you as needed.

What is “near miss”?

Near Miss—describes incidents where no property was damaged and no personal injury sustained, but where, given a slight shift in time or position, damage and/or injury easily could have occurred.

When should I use LionSafe for reporting incidents? What types of events can be reported using LionSafe?

Use LionSafe to report the following:
Incident—an unexpected event that does not lead to injury or illness but results in or could have reasonably resulted in a spill/release, equipment/property damage, environmental impact, or other loss.

Near Miss—describes incidents where no property was damaged and no personal injury sustained, but where, given a slight shift in time or position, damage and/or injury easily could have occurred.

Do NOT use LionSafe to report the following:
Injury / Illness—Do not report in the Community Portal. Follow Penn State Safety Policy SY04 Employee Accidents – Reporting and Investigation.

Where can I find instructions for reporting an incident?

These instructions are included in the LionSafe Event Report Community User Guide. You can download a copy by searching Penn State's Knowledge Portal using the search word, "lionsafe". You can also watch the Report an Event training video, which can be accessed from LionSafe Training

Where can I find the User Guide for the Incidents Module?

You can download a copy by searching Penn State's Knowledge Portal. The name of the document is LionSafe Event Report Community User Guide.

Where can I find training materials for the Incidents Module?

Where can I submit a report in LionSafe?

Locate the Request/Report Link on the left side of the dashboard. Click the Link.

Where should injuries be reported?

Injury / Illness—Do not report in the Community Portal. Follow Penn State Safety Policy SY04 Employee Accidents – Reporting and Investigation.