Spotted Lanternfly Quarantine Implementation

The Spotted Lanternfly (SLF) is an invasive insect that has spread throughout southeastern Pennsylvania since its discovery in Berks County in 2014.  This insect has the potential to greatly impact agricultural crops in Pennsylvania including grapes, hops, and hardwoods.  It is also reducing the quality of life for people living in heavily infested areas.  Penn State's College of Agricultural Sciences, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), and the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture (PDA) have joined forces to control and contain the spread of SLF.  Penn State has been leading the research efforts currently underway on the insects's biology, pesticide studies, and the ability of the SLF to adapt to the environment in Pennsylvania. 

To help slow the spread of the SLF, on May 26, 2018 the PDA implemented an Order of Quarantine for the Spotted Lanternfly (Quarantine).  This order applies to all businesses that travel within, into, or out of the Quarantine Zone, including Penn State.  EHS has created the Procedures for Penn State Implementation of the Spotted Lanternfly Quarantine Requirements to help Penn State comply with the Quarantine. 

Note that the Quarantine Zone has expanded in 2024, to include Greene County.